The Right to information in the System of Constitutional Rights People and the Citizen
human rights, the rule of law, the constitutional right to information, access to information, guarantees and limitations of the right to information, information law, implementation of the right to informationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the essence, content and structural elements of the right to information, as well as determining the place and role of this right in the system of constitutional human and citizen rights.
It has been determined that the right to information is a comprehensive human right and provides the possibility to freely carry out any actions with it that are not prohibited by law (receiving, using, storing, distributing, transforming), if they do not threaten the information security of a person, society and the state and is considered as a tool for ensuring rights, which promotes public participation or allows a person and a citizen to exercise their other rights. The main structural elements of the right to information are the following: the right to collect, the right to store, the right to use and the right to disseminate information orally, in writing or in another way – at your choice, which, in turn, are structured into other numerous information rights.
The article proves that the right to information enshrined in the Basic Law is a connecting link of the entire system of constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as the possibility of their implementation. The right to freedom of opinion and expression and information in any form should be considered as a personal right of every person, regardless of the fact that in the case of receiving or spreading information during elections of various types, it can be characterized as a political right of a citizen, as well as can also be attributed to cultural human rights, in particular, given the right of everyone to education.
The author emphasizes that the right to information, according to the wording of a number of legal acts, is included as a component of the right to free expression of one’s opinion, however, based on the importance of the right to information and its role in the modern world, one can talk about its independence in the system of constitutional human and civil rights, which is related to freedom of speech, freedom of expression of thoughts, ideas, views and beliefs and contributes to the realization of these freedoms and the realization of many other human rights.
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