Euthanasia as a Social And Legal Phenomenon
euthanasia, murder, assisted suicide, medically hastened deathAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of current issues of euthanasia as a socio-legal phenomenon. Modern trends in the development of human civilization and the ensuring the human rights and freedoms not only actualized the question of the essence of euthanasia, but also caused the need for their additional theoretical understanding and a higher level of certainty in the context of the prospects for its legalization. The aim of the article is to generalize the main approaches to euthanasia, the positions «for» and «against» its legalization and to determine its socio-legal essence on this basis. An analysis of the main approaches to the definition of the concept of euthanasia and its main types was carried out. The experience of foreign countries in terms of the legalization/prohibition of euthanasia (in particular, Lithuania, the Netherlands) was studied, as well as the legislation of Ukraine, which regulates these relations, was analyzed. Particular attention is paid to determining the role of palliative care and its connection with euthanasia. On the basis of the conducted analysis, it was concluded that euthanasia is the acceleration of death for medical reasons, which is expressed in the deliberate action of a doctor with the aim of ending the suffering of a terminally ill patient, which is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of the law. The main essential characteristics of euthanasia, which distinguish it from related concepts (in particular, assisted suicide) and criminally punishable acts (primarily, intentional murder), are highlighted, namely: legality, presence of medical indications, intentional nature of the action, altruistic goal – to relieve a person of suffering, carrying out exclusively by a doctor, strict adherence to the procedure. Specific tasks are outlined that require a priority solution when solving the issue of legalizing euthanasia. It is noted that legal mechanisms should not only prevent any overuse in this area, but also shape society’s perception of euthanasia exclusively as a last option for terminally ill patients.
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