Information Culture in the Plane of Legal Culturology
information culture, information security, information society, digital society, information inequality, information human rights, legal culture, legal culturologyAbstract
The purpose of the scientific article is to analyze information culture in the field of legal culturology.
Based on the analysis, it is most logical to define information culture as a system of values and positive behaviors that are formed and developed in the process of information interaction of subjects, that is, in information relations that can be either with or without a digital component.
Information culture is an interdisciplinary phenomenon, the prerequisite of which is the development of the information society. Moreover, it is possible to distinguish both a general information culture and a special one (in the field of law, ecology, psychology, sociology, history, etc.). Therefore, in a broad sense, information culture can be recognized as part of the general culture, and in a narrow (special-legal) sense – as part of the legal culture. Legal culture mediates values and positive patterns of behavior in the sphere of legal reality and is a consequence of a high level of legal awareness, both individual and collective. Information and legal culture is essentially a symbiosis of values that are formed, both in legal and information relations.
The existence of a professional information and legal culture is justified. Its subjects are recognized exclusively as representatives of legal professions, while the subjects of information and legal culture are any subjects.
It is proved that in the modern information society, information and legal culture should be inherent not only to individuals and legal entities, but also to artificial intelligence. It is noted that artificial intelligence should acquire even a professional information and legal culture, taking into account its penetration into the sphere of legal proceedings, providing legal assistance, notarial activities, and so on.
Attention is focused on the fact that legal culture is already moving from the state of individual teachings, theories, concepts, applied models to an integral field of knowledge – legal culturology. It can be considered both in the local sense (that is, in specific national legal systems) and in the global sense (which ensures the development of international law and human rights).
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