Рrotection of consumer rights when purchasing goods through the internet store
consumer; protection of consumer rights; e-commerce; online store; warranty period; online trade; e-commerce; electronic transactionsAbstract
The article defines the peculiarities and legal basis of consumer rights protection when buying
goods through an online store. The peculiarities of the conclusion of electronic transactions, which
are used during Internet trade, are considered. It was determined that an important criterion for the
protection of consumer rights in the field of e-commerce is currently practically unprotected, if the
state does not take comprehensive measures aimed specifically at preventing risks in this segment of
trade. The amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Consumer Rights» were analyzed.
Adopted on June 10, 2023 by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with the aim of bringing the national
legislation on the protection of consumer rights closer to the legislation of the European Union and
harmonizing the system of consumer rights protection in Ukraine with the principles, approaches
and practices of the EU. Consider that the legislator’s constant efforts to resolve problematic issues
related to the conclusion of contracts for the purchase of goods at a distance or outside a trade or
office premises, this direction of trade is filled with a number of problems regarding the establishment of a transparent mechanism for the protection of consumer rights. Therefore, the creation of
an effective mechanism for the protection of consumer rights, and the restriction of access to those
online stores that use «unfair trade» and defiantly violate the law in the field of trade through the
Internet, should be a priority direction of the state legal policy. Therefore, it is emphasized that with
the adoption of the new Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Consumer Rights», our country demonstrates its decisive readiness for European integration, in particular for changes in legislative
regulation. The need for the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Consumer
Rights» was due to the rapidity of technological development, the digitalization of social processes
in Ukraine, and the approximation of the national legislation on the protection of consumer rights
to the legislation of the European Union and the harmonization of the system of consumer rights
protection in Ukraine with the principles, approaches and practices of the EU, therefore, such
changes are designed to update Ukrainian legislation.
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