Features of international investment in Ukraine under the conditions of the marital state


  • Vira Baranovska Навчально-науковий інститут права ім. Князя Володимира Великого




international investment; political instability; economic instability; change in the legal system; investment climate; property protection; special investment measures; security; information transparency; openness


This research paper examines the intricacies of international investment in Ukraine under martial law. The dynamics of investment activity and the problems of attracting foreign capital during this period are studied. The study analyzes the impact of political instability, heightened risk perception, and trade restrictions on investor decision-making. In addition, it explores the potential opportunities that may arise from investing in conflict-affected Ukraine. By examining the unique circumstances of international investment in Ukraine’s war-torn environment, this study provides valuable insight into the complexity of investing in such an environment.
In addition, the research paper examines the specific challenges faced by international investors in Ukraine during the armed conflict. Political instability caused by conflict can significantly affect investment decisions, as investors often seek stability and predictability in the countries in which they invest. The increased risk of capital loss due to an uncertain security situation adds additional complexity for potential investors.
In addition, the study examines the impact of conflict-induced restrictions on foreign trade. Trade barriers, such as import and export restrictions, can impede the movement of goods and services, affecting the profitability and viability of investments. Understanding these limitations is critical for investors looking to start or expand their operations in Ukraine.
Despite the challenges, the study also highlights the potential opportunities that may arise from investing in Ukraine during martial law. These opportunities may include acquiring assets at a discounted price, accessing new markets, or supporting the country’s reconstruction efforts. The article explores strategies and approaches that can reduce risks and maximize returns in such a unique investment environment.
Overall, this research paper provides valuable insight into the complexity of international investment in Ukraine during the armed conflict. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the impact of conflict on investment activity, the impact of various factors on investor decisions, and the challenges and opportunities that arise in this context. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of investment in war-affected regions and offer recommendations for investors, politicians, and other stakeholders involved in the economic development of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Vira Baranovska, Навчально-науковий інститут права ім. Князя Володимира Великого

кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри цивільно-правових дисциплін та міжнародного права


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