International experience in regulating arms trafficking: ways of implementation in Ukraine




arms trafficking, legal regulation, international experience, public security, Ukrainian legislation, licensing, comparative analysis, legislative reform, firearms


The article examines the potential of Ukraine to improve the legal framework for regulating arms trafficking based on the experience of leading foreign countries. Given the current challenges to national security, the significant volume of illegal weapons in circulation, and the urgency of issues related to firearms ownership among the population, effective legal regulation of this area is a priority task for ensuring public safety, reducing crime, and creating conditions for responsible gun ownership.
The article analyzes the regulatory models of such countries as the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic, which represent different approaches to the legal regulation of arms circulation. Thus, the United Kingdom has strict requirements for firearms ownership, which include multi-level checks, limited access to weapons, and strict control over their use, including a ban on most types of semi-automatic and automatic weapons. This helps to minimize the risks of illegal use of weapons, but at the same time raises debates about the rights of citizens to self-defense.
The article also analyzes the current Ukrainian legislation in this area. In particular, attention is paid to the gaps and contradictions that exist in the system of arms control in Ukraine. Despite a significant number of restrictive regulations, the problem of illegal weapons in circulation remains a serious threat. The imperfect licensing system, insufficient control over the movement of weapons, and the lack of a unified electronic registry make effective regulation difficult. Comparison of Ukrainian legislation with that of other countries allows us to identify weaknesses that require urgent improvement and to identify best international practices that can be adapted to Ukrainian realities.
The recommendations for reforming national legislation proposed in this article include both regulatory and organizational and practical measures that will help strengthen state control, minimize the risks of illegal use of weapons, and increase the effectiveness of law enforcement. The use of international best practices will help to create a balanced system of arms circulation that will ensure the rights of citizens to own arms while protecting public safety.
Thus, the article is an important contribution to the development of legal regulation of arms trafficking in Ukraine, providing scholars, legislators and law enforcement agencies with a comprehensive tool for developing more effective regulatory mechanisms that will meet the current challenges of national security.

Author Biography

Anastasiia Khomenko, Національна академія внутрішніх справ

аспірант кафедри кримінального права


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How to Cite

Хоменко , А.О. 2025. International experience in regulating arms trafficking: ways of implementation in Ukraine. Pravnychyi chasopys of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. (Jan. 2025), 174-182. DOI:

