Virtual assets as part of the property of a business entity


  • Oleh Kulyk Державна установа «Інститут економіко-правових досліджень імені В. К. Мамутова Національної академії наук України»



virtual assets, virtual assets market, property of a business entity, digital thing, cryptocurrency


The article examines virtual assets as part of a business entity's property. The article is relevant due to the need for business entities to have certain virtual assets as part of their property: they can be acquired on the basis of a certain transaction or issued as a result of economic activity, and this requires specification of scientific provisions on the legal nature and place of virtual assets in the property of business entities. The purpose of the study is to clarify the scientific provisions on the legal nature and place of virtual assets in the property of a business entity.
Based on the study, it was found that virtual assets are included in the property of a business entity. Unsecured virtual assets are classified as digital things in the property of a business entity. At the same time, secured virtual assets have a dual nature: they are both digital things and a set of property rights to the object of security.
Given that a business entity has the right to issue virtual assets, sell them to individuals and legal entities, and acquire virtual assets of other entities, the author proves that virtual assets used by a business entity in any transactions other than transactions for their issue (emission) and redemption are goods in economic circulation in the virtual asset market.
The study proposes to supplement Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine “On Virtual Assets” with a new part that would reflect the provision that virtual assets are a special type of property of business entities, and a business entity has the right to issue virtual assets, sell them to citizens and legal entities, and acquire virtual assets of other market participants.

Author Biography

Oleh Kulyk, Державна установа «Інститут економіко-правових досліджень імені В. К. Мамутова Національної академії наук України»

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How to Cite

Кулик , О.І. 2025. Virtual assets as part of the property of a business entity . Pravnychyi chasopys of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. (Jan. 2025), 106-115. DOI:

