Liberalism and fundamental legal values: a modern view of the relationship
liberalism, legal liberalism, fundamental legal values, legal principle, legal ideology, state, societyAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of the correlation of liberalism and fundamental legal values in the context of global challenges. Modern trends in the development of human civilization and the provision of human rights and freedoms have not only actualized the issues of the essence and content of liberalism in general and legal liberalism in particular, but also necessitated their theoretical rethinking and a higher level of certainty in the context of interaction with the system of fundamental legal values, taking into account the changes that have occurred in society. The aim of the article is to generalize modern approaches to the correlation of the fundamental provisions of modern liberalism and fundamental legal values and to substantiate on this basis possible prospects for their further development. An analysis of the main approaches to determining the essence and fundamental principles of liberalism in general and legal liberalism in particular is carried out. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the correlation of liberal principles with fundamental legal values. Based on the analysis, the conclusion is made about the existence of a supporting connection between the fundamental principles of modern liberalism and fundamental legal values, since it is the diversity of liberal ideas that laid a reliable foundation for the recognition and development of fundamental legal values (human rights and freedoms, the rule of law, democracy), and the need to preserve and protect these values inspires the liberal community to search for new ways to overcome challenges and obstacles in the modern globalized world. The thesis is supported that commitment to fundamental liberal principles and values does not exclude departure from old ways under the influence of new factors in order to make them suitable for new and diverse forms of liberal-democratic society, state and economy. Specific tasks that face modern liberalism and require priority solutions in overcoming threats and obstacles to building open societies, the basis of the functioning of which are fundamental legal values.
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