Theoretical and Practical Aspects of The Implementation of Digital Platforms in The Agricultural Sector: A Comparative Legal Research
digitalization, digital platforms, agrarian sector, entities in the agrarian sector, legal regulationAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of international and national experience of digital platforms in the agricultural sector. The relevance of the research is due to the development and implementation of digitalization in all sectors of the economy, including the agricultural sector. The purpose of this research is to determine the legal conditions for the successful implementation of digital platforms in the activities of agricultural entities, in particular by implementing the best international practices in the national legal system. This article examines examples of successful international digital platforms, including eNAM (India), AgriDigital (Australia), and Farmigo (USA). The paper highlights the key functions of digital platforms, namely: process automation, increased transparency, efficient resource management, and improved access to markets. It is emphasized that the effective functioning of such platforms is impossible without proper legal regulation. The legal framework for the use of digital platforms, including requirements for data protection, contractual regulation and cybersecurity, is considered, taking into account EU legislation (GDPR, DSA) and US legislation (Farm Bill, Cloud Act). Particular attention is paid to the impact of digitalization on the Ukrainian agricultural sector and the relevant legal regulation. The paper examines Ukrainian digital platforms aimed at supporting the agricultural sector. This article analyzes the state of legal regulation in Ukraine, in particular, the aspects of access to state registers, electronic transactions and data privacy protection. Attention is drawn to the lack of clear regulation of the functioning of digital platforms, including in the agricultural sector, and the key issues that need to be addressed at the legislative level are highlighted. The article also offers recommendations for improving the legal framework of Ukraine to facilitate the development of digital platforms in the agricultural sector. The author concludes that it is advisable to adopt foreign experience in regulating the functioning of digital platforms.
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