On the Legislative Basis of Economic and Legal Support of Innovative Entrepreneurship
innovation, entrepreneurship, innovation activity, innovative development, legislative framework, intellectual propertyAbstract
The aim of the article is to study the state of the legislative basis of economic and legal provision of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine, to determine the directions of its improvement. The article emphasizes that the legal regulation of the sphere of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine is based on numerous laws and regulations. It is emphasized that the legal support for the circulation of intellectual (industrial) property rights is important for innovative entrepreneurship and requires further research.
It is analyzed that the legislative framework consists of the Constitution of Ukraine, international treaties, codified acts, special laws in the field of innovative entrepreneurship, and auxiliary laws, special normative legal acts in the field of innovation activity and entrepreneurship and relevant auxiliary organizational normative legal acts.
It is concluded that many issues are resolved at the by-law level, which leads to the dominance of by-laws and insufficient regulation of relations related to innovation activity. The main shortcomings of the legislation include the lack of systematic coordination between acts, the instability of the regulatory framework and the lack of adaptability to changes in this area.
As a result of the study, it is concluded that the solution of these problems requires comprehensive measures to improve the system of legal regulation of innovative development, including systematization of legislation, supplementation of normative legal acts with new norms, clarification of legal forms and conditions for the implementation of innovative entrepreneurship, as well as legislative consolidation of state support for this sphere. The author suggests areas for improvement of legislation in the field of innovative entrepreneurship, in particular, improvement of the legislative definition of key concepts in the field of innovative entrepreneurship, clarification of legislative requirements for the legal status of innovative entrepreneurship, etc.
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