Actualization of the Problems Legal Protection of Children and Youth From the Harmful Internet Effects


  • Mykola Pavlenko Український державний університет імені Михайла Драгоманова



information law, information policy, internet, information threats


The article analyzes certain socio-political issues related to the rapid development of information technologies in Ukraine, which have led to several global challenges in the field of information security of the State. Suggests that the most vulnerable object of influence of the modern information environment is the consciousness of children and youth. Attention is drawn to the imbalance between the exponential growth of the volume of information product and the available means legal protection of a person from the harmful effects of information content, especially the productive part of the population – young and middle-aged people.
The author notes there is no law that would regulate the protection of the younger generation from the harmful effects of the Internet. Emphasizes the relevance of regulatory and legal consolidation of the institute of information hygiene as a component of the State’s information security.
The article identifies the main trends in legal regulation of information security and information hygiene of children and youth in countries with developed market economies. These include: the development of a preventive approach; formation of the legal framework for the consumption of an information product; creation of legal prerequisites for social dialogue between state institutions and transnational corporations owning global Internet resources and social networks and introduction of legal liability of the latter for illegal content or its use for illegal purposes.
It is emphasized that the regulatory innovations of the Western world in the field of information and communication technologies pursue humanistic goals and focused on protecting the digital rights of children and youth, who are the most vulnerable segment of the Internet environment.
Author makes a reservation about the need to develop legal safeguards that will make it impossible to use the rules of information hygiene for the purposes of censorship, and thus to restrict a person in exercising the right to freedom of thought and speech, to free expression of their views and beliefs, which is important in the context of the development of modern civilized society and state.

Author Biography

Mykola Pavlenko, Український державний університет імені Михайла Драгоманова

кандидат юридичних наук, молодший науковий співробітник


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