Concept and content of organizational and managerial powers of the owner of property in the business area


  • Oleksandr Pashynin АО «ЕВЕРЛІҐАЛ», Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



property; business organization; business legal relations; corporate rights; property; organizational and legal form; management bodies; powers; business entity; business area


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the concept and content of organizational and managerial powers of the property owner in the business area. Despite the active use of this term in the Economic Code of Ukraine and other economic legislation, such powers are not allocated in an independent group, which makes it difficult to establish the content of organizational and managerial powers of the property owner in the business area.
The article puts forward a hypothesis that organizational and managerial powers of the owner are aimed at the ordering and management of economic activity and cover the powers of possession, use and disposal of property transferred for the implementation of this activity. To confirm it, such terms as «organize», «manage» and «powers» are consistently analyzed. As a result, it is concluded that for the business area the functional purpose of organizational and managerial powers is to determine the scope of power and responsibility, the scope of actions, decisions that can be taken by a certain subject, by fixing them in the legislation and local acts of the economic organization. The article also analyzes scientific works devoted to the issues of organizational and economic legal relations and management of economic activity.
Based on the analysis, it was substantiated that organizational and constituent powers of the owner are exercised within the framework of organizational and economic relations, and it was found out that these powers are based on the right of ownership. The analysis of the provisions of the Economic Code of Ukraine and other economic legislation allowed to draw conclusions regarding the moment of emergence of organizational and managerial powers, subjects of their implementation and the content of these powers.
Considering the research conducted, the author proposed a definition of organizational and managerial powers of the property owner in the business area.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Pashynin , АО «ЕВЕРЛІҐАЛ», Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

адвокат, здобувач ступеня «Доктор філософії»


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