Technological Innovations in Dispute Resolution: Online Approaches
online dispute resolution; digitalization; Internet technologies; domain disputes; platforms; web applicationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of a topical aspect of the modern legal space – dispute resolution using technological innovations, where the Internet and technology determine new approaches to dispute resolution. The relevance of the research topic is due to the development and implementation of technological innovations in all sectors of the economy. As trends show an increasing interest of participants in using online platforms to resolve conflicts and disputes in a convenient and efficient manner, the article outlines some of the advantages of online dispute resolution, including speed and efficiency, accessibility, low costs, and technological innovation. Attention is also drawn to some of the difficulties of online dispute resolution, which include technical issues, security and privacy issues. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of online dispute resolution may depend on the nature of the dispute, the level of cooperation between the parties, compliance with the principles of justice and other factors. The article explores and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using online platforms to resolve various legal disputes. In particular, attention is drawn to the wide range of platforms that provide these services and their role in ensuring access to justice, and that the effectiveness of these platforms may depend on the specific context and nature of the dispute. The practical aspects of the use of online platforms are explored, taking into account the current technological possibilities. The relevance of the topic is due to the determination of the effectiveness and limitations of these tools in comparison with traditional methods of dispute resolution. Proposals are made for the optimal use of online resources in legal practice. This article examines examples of successful cases of using online platforms and the possibility of their implementation in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to examples of platforms that are already successfully implementing online dispute resolution in business, trade and other industries. The author concludes that it is advisable to adopt foreign experience in regulating online dispute resolution platforms.
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