Activity of political parties in conditions of participatory democracy
political parties; democracy; participatory democracy; political pluralism; freedom of activityAbstract
The article is devoted to clarifying the peculiarities of the activity of political parties in the conditions of participatory democracy. It is emphasized that one of the main principles of participatory democracy is political pluralism, the institutional form of which is political parties. An indicator of the existence of political pluralism in the state is the unimpeded functioning in the political space of a significant number of political parties defending the interests of various population groups. Political parties are recognized as the tool that ensures the participation of citizens in political life, as well as the expression of the will of the entire people, which is the foundation of participatory democracy.
It was found that in the conditions of participatory democracy, the activity of political parties is characterized, first of all, by freedom, which largely depends on the level of regulatory regulation of the constitutional and legal status of political parties and the method of legislative regulation of their activity.
It was revealed that the freedom of activity of political parties is generally recognized in international law and is regulated by many international documents. In the conditions of participatory democracy, the national legislation of states ensures the availability of legal instruments for the existence of a suitable environment for the freedom of activity of political parties. Most of the constitutions of states that have embarked on the path of participatory democracy do not detail the conditions of political parties, but the principle of political pluralism is enshrined in their texts. The Constitution of Ukraine is no exception.
It has been established that even in the conditions of «the most democratic of all models of democracy», restrictions on the activities of political parties are quite justified in accordance with the constitutional provisions and in relation to the purpose of activity, membership and the implementation of certain types of activities.
It is emphasized that the guarantee of freedom of activity of political parties in democratic states is a special procedure for the termination of their activity
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