Political function of the state under martial law: interpretation of the content in scientific research


  • Serhiy Haidu Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




state; functions of the state; political function of the state; transformation of the political function of the state; security; martial law


The article defines the peculiarities and separate approaches to the interpretation of the political function of the state in the conditions of martial law. It is noted that the political function of the state is considered quite fragmentarily in legal scientific literature. In most political and legal works, it was revealed only within the framework of a comprehensive study of other functions of the state. It was determined that an important criterion for deepening knowledge about the political function of the modern Ukrainian state is such a feature of the state as its sovereignty, which is very relevant in wartime. This feature makes it possible to determine the boundaries of the state’s activities, and therefore to distinguish external and internal functions of Ukraine. In such conditions, the activities of the modern Ukrainian state will be constructive and predictable, which will ensure the stability and rationality of its development.
Adaptation of functions to changes in the modern Ukrainian state is their necessary property, since the value and importance of the political function itself lies precisely in this: it allows you to achieve a certain goal of the state, to solve certain tasks, to exert a regulatory influence on the most important spheres of public life in war conditions. The function task criterion proposed in the article allows timely identification and determination of directions for the implementation of the political function that are relevant for the modern state of Ukraine. After all, the political function of the state of Ukraine is aimed at protecting national interests and guaranteeing the safety of people, society and the state from external and internal threats in all spheres of life in Ukraine, and must be able to resolve potential and real threats to the Ukrainian state in conditions of martial law.
In order to implement the political function of the state in the conditions of war, it is necessary to ensure the institutionalization of the process and form the legal practices of proactivity of Ukraine in terms of influence on the world information space with clear and unified narratives, activation of the use of all possible tools of public diplomacy was determined.

Author Biography

Serhiy Haidu, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

здобувач ступеня «Доктор філософії»


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