Influence of law education of legal clinics on person’s everyday legal awareness
legal education; legal clinic; legal awareness; legal educational activities; legal sicialuzationAbstract
The author of the article has characterized the social function of legal clinics, which consists in the formation of society’s legal culture with the help of legal education means, where one of the main elements is legal awareness. It has been stated that the gradual formation of human legal awareness takes place together with the emergence and development of the state and law. It has been emphasized that any issues of reforming society, changes in the state’s internal life, its participation in international relations, in our opinion, should be considered through the prism of legal awareness of an individual and society in the whole.
The main approaches to understanding the concept of «legal awareness» have been analyzed. It has been concluded that legal awareness means knowledge about law, valuable and ideological legal principles, psycho-emotional components and volitional legal guidelines, traditions in law, institutional forms that are necessary for society and a person (individual) to achieve certain legal goals.
The author has provided different classifications of legal awareness types. It has been argued that legal educational activity of legal clinics forms everyday legal awareness, i.e. a set of knowledge, ideas, ideological and psychological qualities of an individual, civil society in the whole, in regard to the current law, legal system and desired behavior
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