Legal clinical education in the context of ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine: modern challenges
education; legal education; education reform; quality of education; legal clinical education; legal clinicAbstract
By choosing the European vector, Ukraine undertook to build a modern legal state. Therefore, it faces the need to introduce political, socio-economic, legal and institutional reforms. Russia's military aggression in Ukraine led to the need to overcome challenges in all spheres of the Ukrainian state. However, the experience of European integration of Ukraine in the conditions of war has a unique character. Ukraine acquired the status of a candidate for joining the EU, in the conditions of struggle it continues pro-European reforms in various areas, implements in practice the provisions of the Association Agreement and the recommendations of the European Commission. Ukraine is characterized by profound social transformations that are manifested in all spheres of social life. Legal education is no exception, reforming which is the focus of attention of scientists, experts and practitioners. Among the urgent issues of European integration is bringing legal education into compliance with the requirements of social dynamics and high standards, which is due to the importance and necessity of the legal profession. After all, in a modern democratic society, it is the lawyer who is the bearer of a high level of legal awareness and has zero tolerance for any manifestations of lawlessness. The problem that needs to be solved in the context of reforming legal education is the inconsistency of its content and quality with the modern requirements of the labor market and global trends in the development of the professional activity of lawyers in various fields of activity. The practical component of training future lawyers plays a key role in the educational process. Legal clinical education creates a professional environment where initial professional experience is formed. During the activity of legal clinics, a number of functions (educational, legal educational and coordination functions) are harmoniously implemented, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of education. All this actualizes the need to conduct research on the development of legal clinical education in the context of ensuring the quality of higher education.
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