Some aspects of the activity of the volunteer formation of the territorial community as a subject of crime prevention under martial law


  • K. D. Yanishevska ННІ права Сумського державного університету



crime prevention; subjects of crime prevention; volunteer formation of territorial community; territorial defense; tasks of territorial defense


The paper investigates some aspects of the activity of the volunteer formation of the territorial community as a subject of crime prevention under martial law. Having analyzed the theoretical and regulatory provisions on the concept of crime prevention subjects and their classifications, it was found that the volunteer formations of the territorial community could be attributed to bodies, institutions, organizations, the functions and powers of which do not have a targeted focus on the prevention of crime and criminal manifestations, but their activities indirectly affect the preventive processes regarding the determinants of crime and individual criminal offenses. The main regulatory and legal provisions relating to the activities of the voluntary formation of the territorial community, namely their tasks, functions related to ensuring public order and public safety, were described. The paper states that due to the coordinated and joint planning of some of the most important areas of preventive activities and the implementation of preventive measures to identify collaborators, looters and other offenders, volunteer territorial defense units together with the National Police recorded a significant number of criminal offenses and carried out effective measures to prevent them. After analyzing the activities of volunteer territorial defense formations abroad, it was noted that most NATO and EU member states also assign additional tasks to territorial defense forces, such as ensuring public safety; protection of public order; combating terrorism; ensuring information security; etc.

Author Biography

K. D. Yanishevska , ННІ права Сумського державного університету

кандидат юридичних наук, доцент доцент кафедри кримінально-правових дисциплін та судочинства


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How to Cite

Янішевська , К.Д. 2023. Some aspects of the activity of the volunteer formation of the territorial community as a subject of crime prevention under martial law. Pravnychyi chasopys of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. (Apr. 2023), 178-186. DOI:

