Issues of local self-government reform: foreign countries’ experience and Ukrainian realities
local self-government; forms of local self-government; reform of local selfgovernment; decentralization of power; municipal reformAbstract
The article analyzes the main principles of local self-government in Ukraine and foreign countries in order to determine and develop the most suitable and effective option for the implementation of governance.
The main postulates of different categories of the forms of local self-government (AngloSaxon, Continental, Mixed, Germanic, Iberian forms) are summarized in the context of their efficiency and practical functionality in the society. The article underlines the role of local selfgovernment as an important factor which has a great influence on many areas in the society.
The article examines topical issues of constitutional modernization of local self-government, taking into account European integration and decentralization of public power. The shortcomings and gaps in the constitutional regulation of local government issues are highlighted and ways to solve them are proposed. Separate models of local government in foreign countries are analyzed. Recommendations on further improvement of the constitutional model and principles of local government in Ukraine are provided.
A comprehensive analysis of local self-government reform in Ukraine is made in order to compare it with foreign countries to determine its main advantages and disadvantages. In the course of the study, it was established that decentralization in the country leads to democracy in the society, based on the initiative and responsibility of citizens, and also ensures a decent standard of living and quality services at the local level. The implementation of decentralization can be observed in a variety of areas, such as financial, administrative, social, political and many others. This significantly affects the potential of the society and directly increases the responsibility of state authorities to it. A great improvement of the level of public services regarding political, economic, social, legal and ethnic problems is noted. Eventually, the following proposals were made regarding changes to local self-government. It is necessary to divide rights and responsibilities between different levels of government in order to balance their interests and promote the development of united territorial communities. This kind of reform will help preserve the integrity and inviolability of state sovereignty.
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