Conception of the category «security» as a universal value
security; safe conditions; universal values; legal values; constitutional values; legal responsibility; state responsibility; legal enforcement; positive obligationsAbstract
The article explores approaches to understanding the category of «security» as a universal value.
The author analyzes approaches to the interpretation of the general category of «value», which reflects the universal essence of the basic moral principles and attitudes, by representatives of different sciences and generalizes that in the philosophical sciences, with a variety of approaches to understanding this concept, its polysemanticity is always noted. In psychology, value is considered through the concepts of «significance», «importance», «life position», «psychological attitude», while, as a rule, its two-component category is noted – both motivational and cognitive education. Linguistic definitions of value are similar to philosophical and psychological ones, the essence of which is similarly reduced to the significance of an object or phenomenon, its «idealism» and ability to inherit. In sociology, values are considered in the personal and social aspects, as generally accepted and socially significant, capable of satisfying the desires and interests of the objective form of social relations; the attitude of the individual to the objects and phenomena of reality, expressed in certain value orientations, personality traits, social narratives.
In legal science, values are closely related to truth, which in itself is a value, occupies an important place in the general hierarchy of law values and determines the latter. Legal values, formed by developing value criteria, are transformed in the process of development of the state and law in accordance with the existing realities of public life, legal consciousness, legal culture, worldview and spiritual values, correlate with the idea of ideal law, are both goals and means to achieve it.
It is proved that values, have been formed and existing in the system of intersubjective relations, act as certain ideals, foundations, goals, and influence all spheres of public life. The universal content of values has a specific embodiment.
Security as a universal human value should be attributed to the absolute values, the existence of which in itself is a goal and determines all other values.
In modern conditions, there is a reorientation of the security vector, in particular, there is a transition from the traditional one-sided perception of the security phenomenon to understanding it as a complex and multi-level process, the main content of security is the protection of man and society, the main problem is social security in the broadest sense, the problem of ensuring security as a universal values.
At the same time, the main subject of security is a person, but the state remains the main guarantor of such security, which, among other things, can apply coercive measures to ensure human security (for example, within the framework of humanitarian intervention). Such a shift of actors makes it possible to unite the main spheres and security, to strengthen coordination between them.
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