Social and Legal Problems of Social Entrepreneurship Development in Ukraine


  • Natalia Mozgovaia Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



entrepreneurship; social entrepreneurship; economic activity; economic relations; economic sphere; legal relations; legal entity; systematization of legislation.


The purpose of the scientific article is to identify and analyze the problems of social entrepreneurship development in Ukraine, as well as make suggestions and recommendations for their leveling.
The article concludes that the determinants of unsatisfactory development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are divided into three blocks: 1) socio-economic; 2) psychological; 3) legal.
Socio-economic problems can include: martial law, budget deficit of Ukraine, strengthening of internal and external migration processes, impoverishment of the state population (including entrepreneurs, which leads to a lack of funds for reinvestment), social alienation of individuals or their groups, insufficient state support for social entrepreneurship, non-transparent distribution of funds, abuse of business entities.
It is noted that socio-economic problems, in turn, are divided into objective and subjective.
The psychological block of problems in the article includes a low level of legal awareness of the population, fear of risks, lack of experience (in particular, organizational and managerial).
It is stated that the problems of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are not least dependent on legal factors. In this segment, there are general reasons (i. e., those that negatively affect the implementation of entrepreneurship as such) and special reasons (which hinder the development of social entrepreneurship).
General legal problems of unsatisfactory level of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine include: insufficient protection of private property; low level of efficiency of law enforcement agencies; progality and conflict of laws of legislation; violation of the rules of legal technology; violation of the principle of systematic legislation (substitution of law norms with bylaws; violation of the rules of hierarchy of application of legal norms; lack of specification in bylaws when required by law); low socio-economic conditionality of tax law norms; lack of stability of legal regulation.
Attention is focused on the fact that the general prerequisite for the development of any type of business activity is social conditionality, logic and effectiveness of customs legislation. But social entrepreneurship also requires adequate tax incentives. Their absence is another special problem that directly affects the unsatisfactory state of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Natalia Mozgovaia, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

здобувач ступеня «Доктор філософії»


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