Information Culture as a Legal Phenomenon
information culture; information security; information society; digital society; information inequality; information human rights; legal culture; legal awarenessAbstract
The purpose of the scientific article is to formulate the concept of information culture and analyze it as a legal phenomenon.
It is concluded that information culture is a multidimensional complex category that finds expression in many spheres of human activity, and therefore in many areas of scientific knowledge. Therefore, its definition will vary, depending on the achievements of which scientific field will be taken as a basis.
In the legal sphere, it is advisable to consider information culture in a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, information culture is defined as a part of the general culture associated with the development of the information society and its technical component. In a narrow sense, information culture as a legal phenomenon is defined as a part of the legal culture that mediates the implementation in the practical activity of a person in the information and technical environment: 1) information literacy (competencies for creating, identifying, storing, analyzing information and qualified use of software and technical means); 2) respect for legal values, human and civil rights and freedoms.
The role of information literacy as a preliminary stage in the formation of information culture is denied. But it is recognized as one of the components of information culture.
It is noted that improving the level of information culture is a necessary prerequisite for information security. The position is supported and further justified that during the military operations on the territory of Ukraine, the information culture of society showed tendencies towards a sharp spontaneous increase, which also contributed to the development of information security, which is an important component of modern wars.
But to stabilize the above effect, ensuring information security should be based on a combination of both legal and non-legal means. In particular, the concept of information security is reflected in the legislation. But in the legal sphere, it is considered important to consolidate and legally define information culture, as well as strategic and tactical means of improving it.
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