Types of limited liability and additional liability companies of one person


  • Inna Lekhkodukh Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




limited liability company of one person; additional liability company of one person; types of companies; classification of companies


The article is devoted to the study of types of limited liability and additional liability companies of one person. Attention is drawn to the fact that such classification of entities according to different criteria is critically important to highlight the specifics of their legal status.
Considered approaches of determining which subjects should be identified as limited (additional) liability companies of one person are considered and proposed to take as a basis the consideration of limited (additional) liability companies of one person as a company established in the appropriate legal form, the constructive feature of which is displayed in the presence of only one participant (founder). It is concluded that the classification of limited (additional) liability companies of one person allows, along with the common features of such entities to identify and characterize certain differences that are important in the acquisition, sale and / or termination of their legal status.
Proposals for the classification of limited (additional) liability companies of one person according to the following criteria are substantiated: the subject composition, the procedure of acquiring a legal status, the method management organization.
According to the outlined criteria, it is proposed to distinguish the types of limited (additional) liability companies of one person depending on:
(1) subject composition – companies that has a single participant (founder) individual, and companies that have a single participant (founder) legal entity; (2) the procedure for acquiring legal status - companies established by one person and companies that acquired legal status due to the reduction of the number of participants to one person by acquiring a single participant of all shares in the authorized capital, withdrawal of other members, exclusion of other members, acquisition the company of shares in its own authorized capital; (3) the method of organizing the management of the company – companies in which the functions of the supreme and executive bodies are performed by one person (sole member of the company or a person authorized by the sole member of the company) and companies where functions of supreme and executive bodies are performed by different individuals.

Author Biography

Inna Lekhkodukh, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

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