Legal support of relations in the field of communications


  • К. О. Kalachenkova Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
  • Yu. M. Pavlyuchenko Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University



communication; telecommunication networks; Internet; digitalization; e-government


The article is devoted to the problems of legal support of relations in the field of communication. The current state of legal support of relations in the field of communication is highlighted and steps are taken to develop directions for its improvement.
The emphasis is on the fact that increasing the role and importance of the communication industry in all spheres of society and public administration requires improvement of the legislation of Ukraine in this area.
The article analyzes the processes of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to EU law and concludes that today there is a way to approximate Ukrainian legislation to EU law in the field of communications (electronic telecommunications and postal services) to eliminate systemic misunderstandings, optimize the development and adoption of relevant sectoral bills and ensuring integration into global information and telecommunications networks, active investment in the communications industry.
Emphasis is placed on the impact of digitalization on all spheres of society and the rapid development of global informatization, which has led to the need to improve the legal regulation of relations between government, business entities and civil society institutions.
According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the impact of the Internet on all public relations and the introduction of information and communication technologies in all spheres of public life and digitalization in general is the basis for the emergence of new legal relations that require special regulation.
It was concluded that in order to combat cybercrime, it is necessary to intensify cooperation between many institutions, both universal and regional. At the same time, the competencies of the relevant institutions are mostly duplicated, which reduces the effectiveness of cooperation between states in the fight against cybercrime. Mechanisms to combat cybercrime are created in the absence of special regulation.

Author Biographies

К. О. Kalachenkova , Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University

Associate Professor, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of Economic and Administrative Law

Yu. M. Pavlyuchenko , Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University

Associate Professor, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of Economic and Administrative Law


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