Natural resource-based, ideological, psychological and educational and scientific components of Ukraine’s recovery from the economic crisis
natural resources component; ideological and psychological component; educational and scientific component; economic crisis; natural resources; minerals; fertile soils; state symbols; spending on education and scienceAbstract
The article defines the directions of Ukraine’s recovery from the economic crisis by analyzing natural resource-based, ideological-psychological and educational-scientific components. It is shown that Ukraine has a sufficient amount of minerals, fertile soils, water, animals, plants, and other resources that can be used to overcome the economic crisis. Some of the resources, in particular chernozem soils, freshwater, flora and fauna, climate and landscape, have a unique character. The use of these and other elements of the natural resource-based component should be based on the use of the latest technologies aimed at manufacturing high-tech and other end products that characterize an intensive type of development. The article draws attention to the ideological and psychological component, which is usually underestimated. Important elements of this component and their impact on individuals, society and the state are often not officially recognized by science and practice. The Russian Federation indirectly confirms the existence of types of energy, unexplored by modern physics, biology and other sciences, associated with the human psyche. The authors show positive and negative examples of the influence of the elements of this component on the psyche of large groups of people, united by a certain criterion (geographic, mental, professional, etc.). The uniqueness of the state symbols of Ukraine, in particular the small state emblem, has been confirmed. It is noted that the Ukrainian society identifies itself with state symbols, and they lay the program for the people to achieve high achievements, successes and victories. The educational and scientific component is no less important than the previous two. The article provides an example of the achievement of high economic results in the United States after the introduction of large-scale state support for the spheres of science and education in the 1960s. It is stated that the US plans to increase spending on education from 73 to 103 billion US dollars in 2022 and up to 171 billion US dollars in the sphere of science. The development of society and the state is directly proportional to the level of funding for the spheres of education and science. Ukraine’s exit from the economic crisis is possible due to the application of a revolutionary high increase in the level of funding for education and science. This should be implemented by applying various measures of the state’s regulatory impact on the activities of subjects in the spheres of education and science, listed in Article 12 of the Economic Code of Ukraine, etc.
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